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Jo Wortley - Featured Bowen Therapist. To read the article CLICK HERE

There are more and more therapists starting up their own children’s clinic and it’s no surprise, it’s such a simple thing to do! In the March 2012 InTouch magazine for Bowen Therapists, I answer some of the most frequently asked questions:

Q: Where should my children’s clinic be and do I need other therapists to work with me?
A: There aren’t any hard and fast rules here, this can be as flexible as you like. If you treat children and want to advertise the fact, then you can register yourself as a children’s clinic. Some children’s clinics are in a specific venue with several therapists involved, whilst others work alone and treat children within their own home. Some therapists allocate specific times to their children’s appointments – say, after school and others simply integrate them and treat children within their usual schedule. It’s up to you!

Q: Does it have to be free of charge?
A: No. Some clinics are free of charge and some request a donation. Other clinics treat children at a reduced rate or on a sliding scale dependant on their age. Again there is flexibility here - you can tailor this to suit yourself. It is also worth bearing in mind that the parent or guardian of the child as well as other relatives may also be in need of a treatment. Again, you may or may not wish to charge full price for these sessions.

Q: What qualifications do I need?
A: The primary contact for the clinic needs to be a full member of BTPA. A full member of BTPA needs to be present at every clinic session, overseeing good practice and taking ultimate responsibility for the clinic. You may wish to consider booking a relevant CPD course such as Mother and Baby, Facia Bowen or Asthma and Respiratory - all of which have a section specifically dedicated to the treatment of children, although this is not essential.

Q: Do I need to be CRB checked?
A: No. The parent / guardian must be present at all times during the treatment of a minor (under 16 years of age), therefore this is not necessary.

Q: Do I need to change my medical history form?
A: Yes. Asking questions such as “Were there any complications during the pregnancy or labour?” “What type of delivery did you have?” “Is the child breast or bottle fed?” will help to build up a clearer picture of the child’s history. In addition, the parent or guardian is required to sign and date the following statement:
“At the present time no alternative or complementary therapy is approved as ‘medical aid’ under the law. It is an offence under the law for a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 16 to fail to provide adequate ‘medical aid’ for the child. I have been advised by the therapist(s) within the Bowen Children’s Clinic, that according to law, I must consult a doctor concerning the health of my child.
I consent to the therapist(s) within the Bowen Children’s Clinic, carrying out the necessary Bowen treatment on my child, in my presence. I hereby confirm that the procedures used have been explained and/or demonstrated clearly beforehand and that both myself and the child are happy for these procedures to be carried out.”

Q: How do I perform a coccyx procedure on a child?
A: As with any client having a coccyx or pelvic procedure for the first time, I always demonstrate where I will be making the moves on myself and ask whether the parent (and the child, if they are old enough to understand) whether they are happy for me to proceed. I also advise the therapist to make a point of asking the parent or guardian to come and observe any such procedure.  If the child is wearing a nappy, personally I will always try to locate approximately where the coccyx will be and make the move through the nappy, this still seems to achieve good results.

Q: How should I advertise my new clinic?
A: Decide on a launch date and make a big deal about it! See if you can speak to the local radio station and newspapers. Design some posters and leaflets and see if you can get these into schools, preschools, parent and toddler groups, leisure centres, village halls, coffee mornings and the local shop. The organisers of toddler groups such as Jo Jingles or Tumbletots might allow you to leave some leaflets with them too. Investigate the possibility of leaving some leaflets in the doctor’s surgery or at a post natal group and always take some with you if you’re going to be giving a Bowen talk - you’ll be surprised how many Grandparents pick them up and hand them on!

Q: How do I get my details into the BTPA website and InTouch?
A: Contact me, Jo Wortley at stating the location, names of therapists involved, dates, times and cost of the clinic. You can even send some photo’s if you like!

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give." -Winston Churchill

Howard and Helen Inspire Therapists to Open Children’s Clinics

On 18th and 19th November Howard Plummer and Helen Watson travelled from Cardiff to the East of England to present their Facia Bowen CPD course in Ipswich. The course was very well received with 22 therapists attending. One morning was spent talking about how facia Bowen can be helpful in the treatment of children with some very interesting reported results, particularly for conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism and dyspraxia. A separate workbook was provided, supplying therapists with information on these conditions, plus advice on how to treat children. Several therapists were inspired by their work and now intend to set up their own children’s clinics.

I would just like to say on behalf of the group “thank you” once again to Helen and Howard for making the journey from Cardiff to share your knowledge with us and also to all the therapists who helped to make it such an enjoyable weekend!

If any Bowen Tharapists are interested in joining us for Facia Bowen Pt.2, on 20th - 21st October 2012, then please contact me and I will email you nearer the time.

Jo Wortley, Jackie Bowen, Mel Coe, Hilary legard, Jennifer Holland, Lynne Barrett, Nicky Wybrow,
Jeanne Dymond, Janet Savage, Christine Lowson, Sarah Pluves, Linda Rice, Merel Davies,
Celia Strange, Finlay Johnson, Jacky Stephens, Sally Askew, Sandra Morris, Amanda Copsey,
Karen Taylor, Andy Wells, Geoff Holland, Howard Plummer (grey shirt) & Helen Watson (red top)

Howard Plummer is trying to regain contact with Laura of Bucharest, who phoned him earlier this year. She is trying hard to bring the benefits of Fascia Bowen to needy children of Romania. His postal letter in reply to her obviously did not arrive. Howard would like to help and encourage her and invites her to one of his Fascia Bowen Level 1 courses free of charge either on 3rd - 4th March or 12th - 13th May 2012. He would be grateful of any Tweeting (or similar) you may be able to do to help him get back in touch. Please forward any responses to me and I will ensure he receives them. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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